Nice hospital phlebotomist taking a sample from a patient
Phlebotomist analyzing sample of blood
Nurse Taking Blood Sample from Patient

Your trusted

Healthcare Mobile Phlebotomy

Golden shield. Luxury gold label. Glossy metal badge.

Every patient deserves

to have expert healthcare phlebotomy.

It's our goal to make it accessible to all.

Our Vision

Healthcare Mobile Phlebotomy is committed to being the most trusted phlebotomy collection of healthcare through our highly trained team of experts, our commitment to the welfare of our patients.

Female phlebotomist wraps young girl's arm after blood draw

Our Mission

To deliver cavalier phlebotomy services while performing simple or complex procedures with complete focus on customer satisfaction.

Large Bokeh Dust
Paraphernalia and steps to be followed when a trained phlebotomist obtains a blood sample by way of a venipuncture, using the contents of a Vacutainer® kit. Courtesy of the Public Health Image Library, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Obstetrician Showing Ultrasound Picture

Our Services

Healthcare Mobile Phlebotomy is dedicated to providing top-notch care.

Nursing Homes

DNA Paternity testing

Health Fairs

Courier Services

Private Home Collection

Specialize in Pediatric Collection

Phlebotomy Blood Collecting Tubes in a Pathology or Hospital Cli

Healthcare Mobile Phlebotomy collects……

(all tests must be ordered by a physician)

Wellness Health Check

•Complete blood count (CBC)

•Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)

•Hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1c)

•Lipid panel (cholesterol test).

Blood Pregnancy Test (Beta hCG)

Lipid Panel

•Cholesterol test for LDL, HDL, Total and Triglycerides

Thyroid Panel

•Measures the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 uptake, T4, T7 and T3 Total

Blood specimens can also be collected for other types of test requested by a physician

Patient Registration

Nurse do phlebotomy from patient in hospital

Set up an appointment

Contact Information

Service Address

Serving The Atlanta Area

Email Address

Phone Number

(678) 815-5820

Portrait of Students practising IV injection on a Phlebotomy Venipuncture Practise Arm
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